Lent Meditation Day 21

Jesus said, “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” (John 12:24).

A Note from Ruth

These meditations are a reflection of my personal journey through Lent at a time when I was experiencing deep spiritual growth and learning what it means to grow in community as a student at the Academy for Formation and Mission. In part, I wrote them to process my own thoughts, but mainly to share those contemplations, because I felt they were meant to be experienced by others. My hope was to encourage others to go deep, to see God and Lent with a new perspective, and to self-reflect in a way that brings hope.

In this verse of John’s gospel, Jesus is speaking of his own impending death. It is a short time from these words until the Passover, the betrayal, trial, and crucifixion. Jesus knew that the time was coming, and he was deeply troubled.

Although Jesus spoke of death, he spoke of abundance of life in the next sentence. As I’ve said previously, death is never final. In fact, death brings new life, abundant life.

Jesus spoke of his resurrection too. Because he died, and rose to new life, many believe in God. Jesus is the seed that falls into the ground to rise again and produce many seeds like us, followers of Christ.

There are times when we are called to let a part of ourselves die. Let us do so with the assurance that resurrection comes next, and like a new seedling, we grow in our spirits and produce something beautiful.