Lent Meditation Day 12

After Jesus healed the blind beggar, he continued on toward Jerusalem.

A Note from Ruth

These meditations are a reflection of my personal journey through Lent at a time when I was experiencing deep spiritual growth and learning what it means to grow in community as a student at the Academy for Formation and Mission. In part, I wrote them to process my own thoughts, but mainly to share those contemplations, because I felt they were meant to be experienced by others. My hope was to encourage others to go deep, to see God and Lent with a new perspective, and to self-reflect in a way that brings hope.

He stopped under the tree that Zacchaeus had climbed to get a better view of Jesus. Jesus called Zacchaeus down and told him that they were to go to Zaccheaus’ house.

What an honor to have Jesus, the miracle worker and prophetic voice come to your house for dinner, and maybe even to stay overnight.

I wonder what I would do if Jesus was with us in body today and wanted to come to my house! Would I say, “but Lord, I haven’t mopped my floors, and I don’t really have much to serve you.”? Would I worry that my beds weren’t comfortable enough, or that the flowers on my table weren’t fresh? Would I ask him to wait and join me in an hour or two so I could get things ready?

This leads me to ask myself what Jesus wants when he comes to visit us in our hearts by the Spirit. I’m not so sure he would be impressed with our well meaning efforts to tidy ourselves up first. Is there a little resentment, or maybe some anger in us, or how about an impure thought?

Jesus is not anymore put off by these things than he would be by the cobwebs in the corners of our living room. In fact, Jesus is happy to be with us in our shortcomings, because he wants to work with us to become the healthy and productive people we desire to be. He is in this with us, and it is because of him that we can, or even want to change.

I am ready to open up and let God in. Are you?