Day 14. At last Jesus and the disciples completed their journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. So much happened along the way, and word spread. When Jesus was at Lazarus’s house in Bethany, where Mary anointed his feet, people began to gather to see him and to see Lazarus, because they had heard the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

Day 13. “Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on his feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume” (John 12:3). This story paints a beautiful image of worship. To sit at Jesus feet was an act of humility. To rub perfume on his feet was an act of trust. Mary was so moved by her love for Jesus as her teacher and her friend, that she took a chance. She spent a year’s wages to demonstrate her love and Jesus accepted her gift. Such an expression of love and worship brings deep peace to the soul.

Day 12. After Jesus healed the blind beggar, he continued on toward Jerusalem. He stopped under the tree that Zacchaeus had climbed to get a better view of Jesus. Jesus called Zacchaeus down and told him that they were to go to Zaccheaus’ house.

Day 11. He and the disciples traveled on foot from Galilee, making their way to Jerusalem, and Jesus spoke in parables to the crowds who would gather around. People called out to him. “Jesus, Messiah, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us.”

Day 10. In the gospels of Matthew and Mark we have the story of James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They approached Jesus one day and asked him if he would grant them a position on his left and his right sides during his rule as Messiah.

After the death of John the Baptist, Jesus tried to withdraw from the crowds, but they followed him. He was grieving, but he did not turn them away. It was there that the miracle of the loaves and fishes took place and the crowds were fed. Only after they were cared for did Jesus send them away, along with the disciples.

Day 7. “On the cross, leadership dies … success dies … skills die … excellence dies. All my strengths, nailed to the cross. All of my weaknesses, nailed to the cross. All of my yearnings for bigger and better, for anything other than Christ himself, nailed to the cross.” —Leonard Sweet. Jesus sent the disciples out to sail across the lake before while he stayed at the mountainside, still grieving the loss of John the Baptist.

Day 5. In today’s reading, Chole writes, “We are loved when making bold proclamations near cool waters under sunny skies. We are loved when asking sincere questions in dark cells and darker times.” How profound this is. We are God’s beloved, right now, just as we are, no matter what we are feeling, whether triumph or doubt. It is God’s love that keeps us on the spiritual path.