Walk in Love

Walk In Love

Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God (Ephesians 5:2).

Walk in love. That’s what we are here to do, here at Good Samaritan and here in life. Our congregation is named after a parable rather than a saint or a holy day, and that parable shapes us as a community and as followers of Jesus. Like the Good Samaritan who stopped to help the traveler who had been robbed and left for dead, we seek to walk in love. As we journey together in life, we strive to see the needs of people and of creation and to help where we can.

This fall we will celebrate all the ways we walk in love in our stewardship season, starting with a luncheon on Sunday, November 3rd. This will be a catered event with great food and a celebration of our congregation walking in love together.

Of course, like our namesake, we walk in love for others. Walking in love takes us beyond church, into our homes and into the world. We’ll model this with a series of home gatherings we are calling Walk in Love Dinners. These will give us time for fellowship and time to reflect on how we walk in love in our lives beyond the church.

I have loved getting to know you as a congregation and as people. I look forward to this opportunity to deepen those relationships. Thank you for all you do, thank you for all you give, thank you for your friendship and welcome. What a gift it is continuing our walk in love.

In gratitude,