Taizé Prayer

After nearly five years, Taizé Prayer returns! After a run from 1989 to 2020, we’re ready to restart.

We meet in the Sanctuary at 7pm on the first Friday of each month, October through June. If you’re new to Taizé Prayer, here’s a brief introduction.

Taizé History

A small ecumenical monastic community in the Burgundy hills of France gave birth to a style of prayer and communal worship using simple chants, periods of silence and prayer that many find nourishing.

The Taizé (pronounced teh-zay) Community was founded in 1940 by Brother Roger and a few men seeking a life of prayer and community in war-ravaged France. The initial work of the community was to offer shelter to Jews, orphans, and other war refugees. Later, as the community grew, the focus became offering a place for young people to explore issues of faith and reconciliation.

Taizé Today

The Taizé Community today consists of over 100 brothers from many different denominational backgrounds. Most live at Taizé, though some are serving the poor in various parts of the world.

Young people flock to Taizé in large numbers throughout the year; 10,000 visit during the summer weeks alone. Annually, a world gathering called “Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth” is held in a major world city, attended by hundreds of thousands of young people.

World religious leaders including Popes and Anglican Archbishops have also been regular visitors to Taizé.

Taizé Prayer

Because young people from all over Europe and the world flock to the Taizé community, a worship language was needed that all could participate in. To that end, simple Latin chants using familiar liturgical texts are used. Additionally, verses in many native languages are also used. Latin has the advantage of being simultaneously no one’s and everyone’s language.

Simple lessons are read and significant periods of silence for reflection add to the contemplative feel of this time of communal prayer. A period for corporate, personal prayer and prayer around the cross is also included during each gathering.

Taizé at Good Sam

The Corvallis Taizé Ensemble is an ecumenical group that has led a Taizé Prayer service in Corvallis for 32 years(!). The ensemble includes several members who attend the Church of the Good Samaritan.

Get involved with the ensemble

If you’d like to be a part of the Taizé Ensemble as a musician, singer, or reader, or to contribute in some other way, please contact Craig Massie at 541.602.6895 or cwmassie@comcast.net. To find us on Facebook, look for “Taizé Worship, Corvallis, Oregon.”