Altar Guild

People in the altar guild work behind the scenes, caring for all the appointments for all our services.

This includes everything we use in Sunday services, weddings, funerals, baptisms. People in the altar guild care for the vestments, the silver, the crystal, the brass, the candles, the books, the linens, and everything else. This is a quiet, extremely significant job, where you get plenty of support and lots of interesting things to learn.

If you love details and you take pride and ownership in your work, you might really enjoy being in the altar guild. It’s also an opportunity to discover many lesser-known aspects of our traditions, because there’s a rhyme and reason to everything we do in our liturgy, and in the altar guild, it’s our job to know those things.

How to Join

To join the guild, get in touch. We’ll welcome you to a meeting, provide you with our reference notebook, and do one or two orientation sessions. Then we’ll pair you with someone who’s experienced and train you over time in a way that works for your schedule, for as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable.

I want to join the guild

Thank you. Send an email to Tricia Atha to get started.